美国DANAHER编码器RIM8500系列特点新型传感器可提供高达0.075“气隙,比同类产品高50%分辨率提高到2400PPR重新设计的电路,带LED 灯和警报输出的在线诊断-40~ +100℃宽温度范围脉冲轮优化,可提供更大轴夹持力,并易于装配
在线留言Danaher Corporation成立于1984年,是美国的制造商之一,是一家致力于帮助客户解决复杂挑战并提高生活质量的科技创新者,也是一家年销售额超过80亿美元的快速成长的公司。在拥有30多家运营公司,59,000名员工。丹纳赫在专业仪器、工业技术以及工具和部件领域处于地位,并对且活跃的工业企业进行长期投资.
重新设计的电路,带LED 灯和警报输出的在线诊断
-40~ +100℃宽温度范围
• Provides high performance feedback for AC and DCdrive control systems
• Thin, pancake style design mounts directly on the motor without bearings or couplings
• Rugged, zero speed, magnetoresistive sensing technology is unaffected by grease, salt water, dust orother contaminants
• Highly reliable speed signals for mill duty applications
• Stainless steel and cast iron construction
• Resolution to 1200 pulses per revolution PPR
RIM Tach® 8500 is a mill duty digital tachometer which provides precise, reliable speed signals foreven the most difficult mill processes. This high performance tachometer, available in either thru-shaft or end-of shaft models, wasspecifically designed to provide feedback for AC and DC drive control systems. The 8500 is the most reliable magnetoresistivedigital tachometer found on the market today.
Rugged Mill Duty Construction
The 8500 is constructed of a ductile cast iron enclosureensuring rugged and reliable performance in even the harshest environments. The bearingless design eliminates failurescaused by repeated couplings or bearing failures. The 8500features a magnetized drum that accommodates large (up to4.5”) thru-shaft or end-of-shaft designs.
Reliable Magnetoresistive Technology
The 8500 accepts one or two stainless steel sensor moduleswith patented magnetoresistive technology. Each modulegenerates A and B signals in quadrature, an optional indexpulse Z, and each of their complements (A, B, Z). Thesereliable sensor modules can utilize DC power from +5 to +15volts, provide transient and noise suppression, and reversepolarity protection. The 8500 high performance tachometerprovides resolutions up to 1200 pulses per revolution, whichis much higher than traditional encoders.
Easy Installation
The 8500 has standard mill duty latching connectors. Thesesealed connectors are a snap to wire by simple inserting thestripped conductor in the plug and tightening the screwterminals. There is no need to field solder or to struggle witha crimp pin. The unit easily mounts on a standard NEMA180 C face (8.5”) and requires no gap adjustments. The pulsecount output is very simple to change, just remove fourscrews and slide the desired pulse count sensor module inplace. Finally, an optional shaft grounding brush can beadded to the unit to reduce or eliminate motor shaft currents,thereby allowing for a longer motor bearing life.
爱泽工业(IZE INDUSTRIES)*经销、常用备件型号:
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